In the living room was a sleeper sofa that pulled out and I would sleep on (who would have thought years later they would have given it to me for my first apartment). Laying in that bed at night with the lights from the city below shining into the room, I would stare for hours at all the art work that lined the walls. Faces, animals, landscapes, and buildings would fill my head with stories and images. I would go places far away and hope to get lost there.
Writing Inspire
Creativity makes all things possible
Some of my favorite times growing up as a child were spent at my grand parents house; long weekends, holiday breaks, and just family get-togethers were an excuse to escape from the way things were at home. They lived far enough to make it a special event, but close enough so when I really wanted to go it was an easy “pick up” or “drop off”. They had a one bedroom condo that was on the twelfth floor. Not having a room for me, I was lucky enough to sleep in the living room, which at that age was a treat.  I was 17 when I finally made a comment about one of the paintings I loved so much. It was a mighty ship at sea, being pushed around by some threatening waves. I had escaped so many times on that ship, to see the world and things beyond. That is when I was told that the image before me was painted by my grandmother; all the detail in each stroke, the ropes that swung from the ship, the breaking waves, the stormy sky, and each piece of wood that made up this strong vessel. I was so amazed that the same lady that walked to get ice cream with me and played cards until late in the night could have created the one thing that I owe all of my creativity to. Her hand and eye created one of the most important symbols in my life.  From that moment on I always thought if I could capture a small fraction of her magic in something I did, that maybe someone else might be able to escape in my world. Thank you grandma for the spark and I hope that you and everyone will enjoy the journey....
TH Welcome Enjoy your time, explore, let me know what you think...